Sunday, February 1, 2009

We'll See How Long This Lasts....

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to write more - on this blog, my weekly column for my APBA hockey league and some new content for my baseball league. Well, in January I wrote 2 hockey columns, zero baseball and nothing here. Heck, my weekly newsletter for my employees was only sent out twice last month. I have failed miserably in this endeavor.

I'll call January a mulligan and give myself a fresh start for February. There will be no thematic content here - one day could be about the girls, the next about politics, work, movies, music, high school - whatever is percolating in my brain when I sit down to right. I'll try to avoid to much navel-gazing but there are no guarantees.

Why am I doing this? Quite frankly I think I can actually feel my brain atrophying. Blame it on too much Noggin, TV sports and talk radio. This is an attempt to keep a few neurons sharp and it's better than me firing up another game of Out of the Park Baseball.

I plan on writing every other day during the week and at least once on the weekends. Feel free to bookmark and check back and please offer some criticism, encouragement and anything else you feel is needed.

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