Monday, February 16, 2009

Confession of a Springsteen fan

I love Bruce. It wasn't always that way.

I grew up in a country and gospel household where rock and roll was not played. My mom had every Kenny Rogers and Oak Ridge Boys and Alabama LP that was available The closest thing to rock was a K-Tel album of soft rock love songs.

I didn't know who Bruce was until I was 12 and "Dancing in the Dark" came onto MTV. Even then I didn't see what the big deal was. Then came "Born in the USA" and I was hooked. So I bought that tape and every album since. I've been to 2 concerts and plan on seeing him this spring.

But it wasn't until I bought the "Live at Hammersmith Odeon" album that I really got into the pre- "Born to Run" stuff. I'd never been that interested because you never heard anything from the first 2 albums on the radio and I can't recall him even playing songs from them live. The turning point was the performance of "Lost in the Flood" on the Hammersmith CD. "Spirit in the Night" and "It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City" also opened my eyes.

So today, a mere 26 years into being a fan of Springsteen, I finally bought "Greetings from Asbury Park". It was like a revelation. He was 23 freaking years old when this album was released. I was still trying to graduate college at 23 and here Bruce was writing and performing songs that should have launched him into stardom. Somehow this album didn't and it wasn't until "Born to Run" that he made it big. That this album didn't go supernova when it came out is a reflection/condemnation of popular music back in 1973.

I still need to pick up "The Wild, The Innocent and the E-Street Shuffle" to throw off the self-branded title of poseur. Aside from Rosalita I have not much familiarity with that album, so I'm hoping it's as much a discovery as "Asbury Park" was.

Monday, February 9, 2009

I though this was funny...

I hope my lawyer friends forgive me.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

1057 Channels and Something Good is On

I'm not a big TV watcher, but I'm beginning to think the medium is enjoying a bit of a renaissance, at least in my eyes. Right now I'm watching "Life on Mars" and that's preceded by "Lost". I'm not about to do any synopsis of these series but both have paranormal/fantasy/sci-fi overtones to them and so it may just be the appeal to my inner geek.*

*My inner geek is actually threatening to overtake me completely but that's a topic to visit some other time.

Off the top of my head there are 6 shows I make an honest attempt to watch each week:

Life on Mars*
Battlestar Galactica
Family Guy
Doctor Who

*Michael Imperioli's mustache on the show should get it's own billing; it's practically a character all itself.

5 Sci-Fi and 1 animated comedy.

It must be a case of arrested development.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Night the Binky Vanished

For the last 6 months at least we've talked about getting Hana off her binky. It never got past the discussion stage and the pediatrician has not set a timetable so we decided not to mess with the status quo.
Alas fate intervened tonight as binky has gone bye-byes and Shelley and I are bracing for a very long night.
UPDATE: Hana did pretty well. We tried to put her down at her normal time. When she asked where binky was we told her "Binky's gone away". She laid down in bed but kept calling for her bink for about 5 minutes when she then started calling for mommy. I went in and she said "Where's Binky?" and I told her that binky was gone and wouldn't be back and that Hana had to be a big girl now and sleep without it. You could see the heartbreak on her face as it finally hit her. She started to cry and I offered to bring her back to our bed for a bit. She watched Blue's Clues then fell asleep between us. I took her back to bed and she slept soundly until 3 AM, when Shelley said she heard Hana cal out for binky again. Shelley went in there, reminded her there's no binky, and Hana went right back to sleep. When I woke her up this morning she did not even ask about it. I think we've moved on!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

We'll See How Long This Lasts....

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to write more - on this blog, my weekly column for my APBA hockey league and some new content for my baseball league. Well, in January I wrote 2 hockey columns, zero baseball and nothing here. Heck, my weekly newsletter for my employees was only sent out twice last month. I have failed miserably in this endeavor.

I'll call January a mulligan and give myself a fresh start for February. There will be no thematic content here - one day could be about the girls, the next about politics, work, movies, music, high school - whatever is percolating in my brain when I sit down to right. I'll try to avoid to much navel-gazing but there are no guarantees.

Why am I doing this? Quite frankly I think I can actually feel my brain atrophying. Blame it on too much Noggin, TV sports and talk radio. This is an attempt to keep a few neurons sharp and it's better than me firing up another game of Out of the Park Baseball.

I plan on writing every other day during the week and at least once on the weekends. Feel free to bookmark and check back and please offer some criticism, encouragement and anything else you feel is needed.