Saturday, March 1, 2008

Willaim F. Buckley

Buckley passed away this past week. Although a staunch conservative, he was a likeable guy and had a great sense of humor. I was way too young to follow the discourse on Firing Line but his sarcastic wit appealed to an aspiring smart-ass like me. As I got older and more politically knowledgeable I discovered that Buckley was the Father of Reagan-era conservatism, or as I call it now, "Real Conservatism". Unfortunately those days are long past, and odds are I'm voting for Obama if he ends up with the Democratic nod, as McCain is too much of a closet neo-con for my tastes. Hopefully someone will emerge as the conservative conscious, much like Buckley did in the 50's. Otherwise the party may be doomed to 80's style Democratic irrelevance.