Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Night the Binky Vanished

For the last 6 months at least we've talked about getting Hana off her binky. It never got past the discussion stage and the pediatrician has not set a timetable so we decided not to mess with the status quo.
Alas fate intervened tonight as binky has gone bye-byes and Shelley and I are bracing for a very long night.
UPDATE: Hana did pretty well. We tried to put her down at her normal time. When she asked where binky was we told her "Binky's gone away". She laid down in bed but kept calling for her bink for about 5 minutes when she then started calling for mommy. I went in and she said "Where's Binky?" and I told her that binky was gone and wouldn't be back and that Hana had to be a big girl now and sleep without it. You could see the heartbreak on her face as it finally hit her. She started to cry and I offered to bring her back to our bed for a bit. She watched Blue's Clues then fell asleep between us. I took her back to bed and she slept soundly until 3 AM, when Shelley said she heard Hana cal out for binky again. Shelley went in there, reminded her there's no binky, and Hana went right back to sleep. When I woke her up this morning she did not even ask about it. I think we've moved on!

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